ElekEn Associates

Currently, we are working on hospitals, Educational Institute, Hotels, High Density residential buildings and Office buildings and stores. ARKDIANS, EMAAR, PARSA City, Chappal Skymark, AHF Housing Scheme, Fazia Housing Scheme, Pakistan Kidney Liver Institute Lahore, Penty Square, New Private Wing AKU and NICVD are few of them. Recently Completed buildings are Lucky One Mall and EFU Life.

 AT: What are your best projects and why?

AS: However, One of my biggest projects are WTC Islamabad (design stage only) and Lucky One Mall Karachi, but the projects I like most are Bamyan Hostipal Afghanistan. EFU Life Buildings Karachi and CIME Buildings at AKU Karachi. The reason why I like these projects is not because of the design only but it is also because of the people who were involved in these projects and their professional attitude, respect towards engineers and incorporation of advice.

AT: How do you feel about the standard of engineering education at our institutions?

AN: in our institutions we are teaching the old parameters and courses. The technology and methodology of engineering is lacking in the institutions. New courses should be introduced which can be applied in the field and student (once graduated) can apply it in their careers. The faculty should comprise of teachers having command and knowledge of engineering and should be able to transfer that. There is no other way. Amongst the most ignored technology in universities is Electrical Power Engineering.

Team ElekEn is also working for upcoming engineers at their level best to make them ENGINEER through training and teachings at ElekEn’s office. We generally take two groups annually. Comprising of Four students of Final year per group from NED University to train and teach them so that may have a reasonable pre-graduation field experience which helps them to serve our country in a better way without wasting any time after graduation.

AT: Any message for young professionals?

AS: Now a days, Young professionals engineers have target how to make money without struggle. They do not know that in Pakistan, Engineers are for survival and Survival for Engineers. Engineers must focus on knowledge and experience for first five years then they will be able to serve in a better wat and eventually in a better position.

AT: What are your comments on the starting of this Newage Enigineers Interview series? Do you think young professionals particularly students will be benefited?

AS: It will be highly benefited as everyone knows about architects but very few know about engineers and what they actually do. It’s an initiate which will bring positive outcome in future. One more thing that can be done is that we can incorporate issues of the field as well in future as it will be helpful for young professionals and students to get to know about field reality and circumstances so that they may prepare accordingly. It will help them in choosing the right path and choose which branch of field engineering they want to opt for e.g. Trading, operation and maintenance, design and execution, project management, manufacturing etc.

I would also suggest to add technical article in ARCHI TIMES specially related to Building Services which will be helpful for new engineers as well as architects.

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